Payment Details
This endpoint allows for the partner to retrieve the status of a Zapper processed payment.
Retrieves the payment details for the payment reference.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
paymentReference | string | The reference of the payment |
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization | String | Bearer <Identity Token> The identity token received from the service account login |
x-api-key | string | Authentication Key |
Retrieves the payment history for the identity provided. The result set will be ordered by the latest order first.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
customerReference | string | Filter on customer reference. |
page | string | The page number. Default: 1 |
pageSize | string | The number of items to be returned in the response. Default: 50 Results are limited to 50 per request. |
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization | string | Bearer <Identity Token> The identity token received from the service account login |
x-api-key | string | Authentication Key |
Field | DataType | Description |
payments | array | List of payments. |
previousPage | string optional | Link to the previous page. The link is provided when then page number is greater than 1 |
nextPage | string optional | Link to the next page. The link is provided when there a next page. |
Payment Details
Field | DataType | Description |
reference | string | A unique reference for the payment. |
invoiceReference | string optional | Zapper's invoice reference. |
invoiceExternalReference | string optional | Merchant's invoice reference. |
merchantName | string | Merchant name. |
currencyISOCode | string | The Currency ISO code of the invoice. |
invoicedAmount | number | The invoiced amount in cents. |
paymentReference | string | Zapper's payment reference. |
paymentUTCDate | string | The date of the payment. |
paymentMethodType | string | Payment method type for processing the payment. |
paymentMethodDescription | string | The masked value of the payment method. |
status | string | The status of the payment. |
verificationUrl | string optional | The URL to invoke additional verification when the status is 3 - VerificationRequired. |
tipAmount | number | The tip amount paid by the customer in cents. |
processedAmount | number | The amount processed for the request. Including tip. |
customer | object | The customer's details. |
siteReference | string | The identifier of the point of sale till. This is required for the routing of Zapper payments and invoices. |
errors | array | List of errors related to the transaction. |
Payment Status
Value | Description |
processing | The transaction is processing. |
success | The transaction completed successfully. |
failed | The transaction failed during processing. |
verificationRequired | The transaction verification. A URL will be returned in the response. |
Field | Datatype | Required | Description |
id | string | yes | A unique reference for the customer |
firstName | string optional | Yes | Name of the customer. |
lastName | string optional | Yes | Last name of the customer |
Field | Type | Description |
errorReference | string | The error identifier. This value can be quoted when contacting support. |
message | string | The message regarding the error. |
Last updated